Motorway toll Russia 2024 → Price, paid road sections, information for drivers — Kodino

Motorway toll Russia 2024 → Price, paid road sections, information for drivers

Barbora Kollárová
Published on 15.7.2024

  • Selected motorway sections in Russia are tolled
  • Speed limit on the motorway is 110 km/h, in the village 60 km/h
  • To drive a car in Russia you need an international driving licence
  1. Motorway toll Russia 2024 → Price, paid road sections, information for drivers

    Russian toll rates for the year 2024

    The total length of Russia’s public road network is 1,507,751 km. Of these, 1,232 km are highways and 50,800 km are federal roads, which mostly connect Moscow with other major Russian cities or other states.

    There are several toll roads in Russia, mainly motorways and federal roads (marked with the letter M). The amount of the toll depends on the category of the vehicle, the distance travelled and the time the road was used. There are no motorway vignettes, the fees are collected in the form of tolls.

    Categories of vehicles in Russia

    • Category I: passenger vehicles including cars with a trailer up to two metres high, this includes motorcycles
    • Category II: commercial vehicles including cars with a trailer 2-2.6 metres high, vans and pickups
    • Category III: trucks over 2.6 metres high and up to 2 metres wide
    • Category IV: vehicles over 2,6 metres high and more than 3 metres wide

    Toll prices in Russia 2024

    To calculate tolls on highways in Russia 2024, you can use the toll calculator at or On the site it is also possible to check the toll tariffs for individual toll sections.

    Orientation toll on the M1 Belarus

    The M1 Belarus motorway runs from the Moscow Ring Road to the border with Belarus, the toll is charged from kilometre 33 to 66, the toll for passenger vehicles and motorcycles is €1,96170 ₽, drivers of vehicles classified as category II pay €2,31200 ₽.

    Orientative toll on the M3 Ukraine

    There are two toll sections on the M3 Ukraine motorway in the Kaluga region:

    Section Private cars Utility Vehicles
    124.-150. km from €1,15100 ₽ to €1,39120 ₽ €1,62140 ₽
    150th-194th km from €1,73150 ₽ to €2,31200 ₽ €2,54220 ₽

    Orientation toll on the M4 Don

    There are several toll sections on the M4 motorway, with tolls for all sections from km 21 to km 1319:

    Private cars Utility Vehicles
    Monday-Thursday €443820 ₽ €605210 ₽
    Friday-Sunday €544640 ₽ €605210 ₽

    Orientation toll on the M11 Neva motorway

    There are several toll sections on the M11 motorway, the toll section from km 177 to km 684:

    Private cars Utility Vehicles
    Monday-Thursday €292520 ₽ €353070 ₽
    Friday-Sunday €312690 ₽ €373190 ₽

    For example, the amount of the toll on the section from the 15th to the 58th kilometre depends on the specific section, the day and the time of day the vehicle is travelling. The price for passenger vehicles varies over the whole section from €7,85680 ₽ to €16,161400 ₽.

    Orientation toll on A113

    The Free flow system is in place on the central ring road of Moscow, there are five toll sections. You can find the price for the partial toll sections on the website, the whole roundabout ride comes out to:

    Private cars Utility cars
    €20,721795 ₽ €312694 ₽
  2. Tolling in Russia 2024

    Tolls are collected at toll gates located on toll road sections. Payment is possible in cash or by credit card.

    Each toll section is marked with traffic signs and in front of each toll gate there is a table with the tariffs for each category and a diagram of the individual through lanes. Toll payments can also be made via the electronic T-Pass system. Full information and toll rates for each section are available at

    It is possible to pay for driving on the Central Ring Road in Moscow using prepaid cards and transponders. The card can be purchased on the website, at a self-service terminal of the ElecsNet network or at customer support centers. In order to issue a card, it is necessary to provide the license plate number of the car, the route (entry and exit point, direction), the date and time of passage through the paid zone. The card is issued for a specific date (period) and is valid for 24 hours from the time specified when the card is purchased.

  3. Toll-free zones in Russia 2024

    • M1 Belarus
    • M3 Ukraine
    • M4 Don
    • M11 Neva
    • A113 (CKAD) – Central Ring Road in Moscow and Moscow Region
    • A105 Moscow-Domodedovo

    Map of motorways and toll roads in Russia

    An overview map of motorways and detailed maps of individual toll sections are available on

  4. Highways in Russia

    Speed limits in Russia

    • Obec – 60 km/h
    • Outside the village – 90 km/h (with trailer 70 km/h)
    • Speedway with dividing line – 90 km/h (with trailer 70 km/h)
    • Highway – 110 km/h (with trailer 90 km/h)

    Traveling to Russia

    When travelling to the Russian Federation, passengers must carry:

    • passport with Russian visa (passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the end of the trip),
    • medication for the entire period of stay in Russia,
    • proof of health insurance on the territory of the Russian Federation,
    • valid driver’s license and valid international driver’s license (in practice, a copy of the driver’s license with certified translation into Russian is better),
    • liability insurance for damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle (compulsory liability insurance) valid for the territory of Russia. Insurance can be arranged at border crossings into Russia.
  5. Driving a car in Russia 2024

    Mandatory car equipment in Russia

    However, in addition to spare fuses, light bulbs, jack, triangle, key, spare and first aid kit, you must have a fire extinguisher in your car.

    An empty petrol can is also recommended. It will be especially useful in remote regions where the network of petrol stations is not as extensive as in the interior.

    Alcohol at the wheel

    The permissible blood alcohol level in the Russian Federation is 0.29 per mille.


    In Russia, it is compulsory to keep the lights on throughout the year, regardless of the time of day.

    Safety belts

    Front and rear passengers are required to wear seat belts while driving. It is the responsibility of the driver of the car to wear the seatbelt.

    Crossing roundabouts

    Until 2017, the right-hand rule was in force in Russia when passing roundabouts, i.e. drivers on the roundabout gave way to approaching cars unless otherwise specified by traffic signs.

    This certain ambiguity led to many risky situations. Those already on the roundabout have the right of way. As this rule may not yet be well established in Russia, caution is advised when driving through roundabouts, but also when driving in Russia in general.

  6. Fines for selected offences

    Fines to the traffic police are never paid in cash, but by depositing them into an account at the nearest bank branch.

    • Driving tickets – €17,321500 ₽
    • Breach of the 24-hour light duty – €5,77500 ₽ or by agreement
    • Unfastened seat belts – €11,541000 ₽
    • Blood alcohol driving – €34630000 ₽ with 1.5-2 years driving licence suspension.
    • Driving with alcohol in the blood and refusal to undergo a blood alcohol test – from €2 309200000 ₽ to €3 463300000 ₽ with a driving licence suspension for 3 years.
  7. Petrol prices

    You can find daily updated prices of petrol 92, 95, 98 and diesel fuel in different regions of Russia on

    In June 2024, the average petrol prices per litre in Russia:

    • Petrol 92 – €0,52
    • Super 95 – €0,56
    • Premium 98 – €0,67
    • Diesel – €0,66
    • LPG – €0,31

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Motorway Tolls