Review: Collagen Instant Coffee by Nature’s Finest — Kodino

Review: Collagen Instant Coffee by Nature’s Finest

Petr Novák
Published on 24.1.2023

How would you like to get healthier and more radiant skin with every cup of coffee you drink? Sounds a bit like science fiction, doesn’t it? Well, it does to us too, so we decided to give it a try.

Nature’s Finest’s Collagen Instant Coffee promises to increase skin hydration and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and improve hair and bone quality. All this after just two months of regular sipping.

  1. Review: Collagen Instant Coffee by Nature’s Finest

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Collagen Instant Coffee

    • Subtle flavor “tail”
    • Supportive ingredients for skin, hair, nails and joints
    • Easy dosing with measuring cup
    • Good price when buying 1+1 package

    More information about Collagen Coffee

  2. Review: Collagen Instant Coffee by Nature’s Finest

    Collagen Instant Coffee Ingredients and Effects of Ingredients

    The Arabica instant coffee is supplemented with five active ingredients in the product: collagen powder, MSM, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and D-biotin.

    Half of each dose is collagen powder. Collagen is a type of protein that is normally found in our bodies. It is found in different forms and scientists now distinguish over twenty types of collagen. It is responsible for the quality and healthy appearance of skin, nails, hair and teeth, as well as for pain-free movement of joints. The body’s production of collagen decreases with age, so it is advisable to start consuming it in some form in the diet around the age of 30 to 40.

    Behind the abbreviation MSM hides methylsulfonylmethane, which is an organic sulfur compound. MSM takes care of the condition of joints, tendons, cartilage, skin and hair, and is even recommended for some joint diseases.

    Vitamin C has in its list of effects, among others, the promotion of collagen formation. If there are at least 9 mg of vitamin C in one dose of any dietary supplement, it can be said to contribute to normal collagen formation for normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin, teeth. Here we have 100 mg of it in a serving.

    Collagen formation is also promoted by hyaluronic acid and its ability to bind water makes it an effective wrinkle-fighting agent. It also helps maintain healthy joints and eyes.

    D-biotin, which is also known as the beauty vitamin due to its effects, is thought to improve the quality of hair, skin and nails.

    The excipients are the carbohydrate maltodextrin and the stabiliser cellulose. Both substances are safe.

    The coffee is free from added sugar or artificial sweeteners, and is also lactose-free. However, due to the collagen content, which is of animal origin, the product is not suitable for vegetarians and vegans. As a matter of course, I perceive the composition without genetically modified ingredients.

    Content of active ingredients in 1 serving (5 g):

    • Instant coffee: 1,000 mg
    • Caffeine: 124 mg
    • MSM: 250 mg
    • Vitamin C: 100 mg
    • Hyaluronic acid: 50 mg
    • Biotin: 50 μg
  3. Use, Preparation and Dosage of Collagen Instant Coffee

    Collagen Instant Coffee is very easy to prepare. Scoop 5 g of the mixture with a measuring spoon and pour 200 ml of hot water into a cup. Drink one coffee a day.

    The package contains a total of 125 g of powder, so you can brew 25 servings.

    You will notice the first changes in your skin in just two weeks. About two months of regular use will bring visible results. The skin becomes firmer, the visibility of pores and fine lines is reduced, the skin is smoother.

    If you like the drink and want to use it for a longer period of time, it is worth buying the 1+1 action package.

    For completeness let us add that the product is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children for obvious reasons.
    More information about Collagen Coffee

  4. Our own experience with Collagen Instant Coffee

    There is a measuring cup right in the package, which makes it easy to dose the mixture accurately. The powder dissolves quite easily, the color is that of a weak coffee.

    The smell is not that coffee-like, however the taste is very acceptable and the coffee content is noticeable in the mixture. Those who are more sensitive may notice a slight taste “tail”, but it is not insurmountable. Drinking one cup on a cold day is an absolute no-brainer.

    With regular use, in addition to the improvement in skin quality, I also notice less joint soreness, which for me often comes with more sports activity.

  5. Review: Collagen Instant Coffee by Nature’s Finest

    Total valuation

    I find the idea of collagen coffee very interesting, many people may find this form easier to use regularly which is quite essential in achieving the desired results. It’s great that the formula doesn’t just think about the skin, but also the joints, hair and nails, so I’m sure men will appreciate this collagen coffee as well.

    The product will not be suitable for people sensitive to caffeine, because in one dose there is a considerable 124 mg of it, which corresponds to a stronger filter coffee or the French press method. Thus, I recommend all users not to drink the product later in the afternoon or even before going to bed. If the collagen coffee form doesn’t suit you at all, perhaps because of the caffeine content, try checking out our collagen product comparison for more options.

    Buy Collagen Coffee

  6. About Nature’s Finest

    Nature’s Finest is a brand of dietary supplements from Nutrisslim, a Slovenian company that teamed up in 2010 with Michel Montignac, French creator and promoter of the Montignac diet, to create a series of products for a healthy lifestyle. The products soon became popular in a number of European countries.

    If you are interested in how Nutrisslim’s dietary supplements are created and our experience with them, you can also read a review of Nature’s Finest.

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